Horseteopathy :: Equine Osteopathy, Osteopath Treatment for Horses
Equine osteopathy attempts to achieve free-flowing movement using soft tissue stretch and massage, articulatory and adjustment techniques.

My approach to treatment* is based primarily on the fact that the horse works on a ‘diagonal’; i.e. the horse’s limb placement occurs in a very set diagonal pattern according to whether the horse is in walk, trot, canter or gallop. When these diagonals are not working properly as a result of restrictions and stiffness in the horse’s chassis, set lesion patterns can begin to appear, resulting in unlevelness. Observation and correction of these lesion patterns is the objective of treatment.
Equine osteopathic treatment and the law
Under UK law, anyone treating a horse who is not a veterinary surgeon needs to obtain veterinary permission before doing so. As an equine osteopath, unlevelness is what is being observed and dealt with; any lamenesses observed are referred back to the veterinary surgeon.

The osteopathic approach to the horse follows the standard procedure: the taking of a case history, static and dynamic observations and passive examination followed by treatment.

Case history
Details of the problem are taken including the onset and duration and any aggravating or relieving factors. Inquiries about the frequency of dental visits, saddle care and farriery should be made and any remedial shoeing should be noted. Any veterinary tests that have been carried out should be recorded.

*The use of the word 'treatment' refers to an osteopathic approach and not veterinary treatment.